Coccidiosis is an enteric problem which leads to huge losses in poultry by suppressing Growth in broilers and Egg production in Layers. Coccidiosis is caused by various strains of Eimeria Protozoa. Its symptoms are accumulation of blood in the intestines and bloody diarrhea which eventually lead to the death of birds. In surviving birds, it damages epithelial layer tissues of the intestinal gut causing low absorption of nutrients.
CoxEnd Plus is a Water soluble medicine which strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, thereby inhibiting the growth of protozoa. CoxEnd Plus controls both, Caecal and Intestinal forms of Coccidiosis.
Strengthens intestinal tract of birds by repairing epithelial tissues of the gut
It does not have any side of adverse effects
Treatment does : 500gm/1000 birds in drinking water.
Preventive does : 200gm/1000 birds in drinking water.
1 kg Pack
100 Items
Quick description:
Coccidiosis is an enteric problem which leads to huge losses in poultry by suppressing Growth in broilers and Egg production in Layers. Coccidiosis is caused by various strains of Eimeria Protozoa. Its symptoms are accumulation of blood in the intestines and bloody diarrhea which eventually lead to the death of birds. In surviving birds, it damages epithelial layer tissues of the intestinal gut causing low absorption of nutrients.
CoxEnd Plus is a Water soluble medicine which strengthens the gastrointestinal tract, thereby inhibiting the growth of protozoa. CoxEnd Plus controls both, Caecal and Intestinal forms of Coccidiosis.
RESPIRATORY AND GUT CARE FORMULA: Doxy Forte is a combination doxycycline and tylosin tartrate which most effectively cures chronic respiratory distress and also eliminates all signs of respiratory infections. It also has potent action on pathogens causing necrotic enteritis and intestinal infections. Doxy Forte is further supplemented with vitamins, amino acids and minerals which helps in quicker recovery and also boosts immunity of birds.
ToxiRex is a unique non-digestible broad spectrum mycotoxins binder containing "dipolar active adsorbents" which effectively binds most prevalent and potent mycotoxins, including Aflatoxins, Ochratoxins, Fumonisin B1, Citrinin, T-2 toxin, Zearalenone and DON (Vomitoxin). It also effectively binds to Cyclopiazonic Acid (CPA) and Mycophenolic Acid (MPA) prevalent in Indian market.
MinoVet Plus is Perfectly balanced supreme quality supplement of chelated minerals and vitamins for Poultry, dairy cows and buffaloes. Minerals are essential for maintenance, growth, production and healthy reproduction of dairy animals.
LevoFen Vet is a wide spectrum anthelmintic for treatment and control of G.I infections due to roundworms, lungworms, tape worms and combination with levamisole HCL it also provides immunity by strengthening the body defence mechanism when it is administered during vaccination and during diseases.
TIADOX TRIPLE ACTION Efficiently controls mycoplasma and chronic complicated respiratory infections. Controls gut infections including avian intestinal spirochaetosis. Leads to rapid recovery and improved FCR. Effective against prevention and control of chronic respiratory disease in pigs, calves, sheep and goats. Driven by Innovation. Most efficiently controls swine dysentery. Exhibits much higher efficacy in treatment of chronic infections and infections caused by resistant microorganisms.
CoxEnd is a unique combination of Toltazuril and potent herbs that have proven efficacy against control and treatment of Coccidial infection in poultry. In addition to treating the infection the beneficial herbs actively repair the epithelial lining of the gut which gets damaged due infection. This helps in faster recovery and brings infected birds at the earliest to the production cycle.
Power Lay Plus is a Power packed formula of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, phytogenics and other essential nutrients that complete the nutritional requirement of layer birds and enables maintenance of prolonged peak laying time. At early stages of life, it helps in achieving ideal weight gain in layers. The quality of eggs from birds fed with Power Lay Plus have better yolk consistency and egg shell quality
BROAD SPECTRUM ANTIMICROBIAL SOLUTION: OxyTet Plus is a combination of broad spectrum antibiotics that effectively kills both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. It is especially effective in mixed infections, E. coli, Salmonella and necrotic enteritis. It also has neutralizing action against mycoplasma infections. OxyTet Plus is further enriched with Vitamins, minerals and amino acids to help in faster recovery.
Electro V Plus is a combination of electrolytes, vitamins and natural immunity boosters recommended to prevent gout, arthritis and relieve stress conditions in poultry.
Lysine is necessary for poultry for the regulation of nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as for the synthesis of nucleotides and chromoproteins, it promotes intensive growth of younger animals, intensive use of feed, and melanin pigment formation in poultry feathers; lysine affects formation of erythrocytes and calcium deposition in bones, is involved in redox reactions, activates transamination and deamination of amino acids, facilitates calcium and phosphorus absorption. Lysine is an amino acid of the second priority in poultry requiring methionine for the feather protein formation. Wheat, barley, and corn and sunflower diets are almost always poor in lysine.